Debbie Mandel's
Turn On Your Inner Light
Wellness Newsletter
September 9, 2008

Just Released Book
Addicted to Stress: A Woman's 7 Step Program to Reclaim Joy and Spontaneity in Life

womens fitness

My just released book Addicted to Stress (Publisher: Jossey-Bass - An imprint of John Wiley), is available at bookstores everywhere and for order online

  • Introduces and explains the habit forming pressure principle of stress addiction and how to cure it, creating awareness of what to do when a woman develops repetitive destructive behaviors.
  • Provides step-by-step program for self-empowerment, self-care, healthy narcissism, and renewing humor in a woman's relationships.
  • Explains the powerful, researched based relationship between food, exercise, and mood.
  • Develops indispensable strategies for accepting constructive conflicts with a spouse, partner, friend or colleague to get what she wants.
  • Shows how to jump start sexual intimacy.
  • Teaches specific techniques for reducing and eliminating stress.
  • Tells inspiring and humorous story of successful recovery from stress addiction.

Affirmation of the Week
The wishbone
does not replace
the backbone.

Weekly Wellness Radio Show

The Turn On your Inner Light Radio Show airs Tuesday evenings 7:00 to 7:30pm, on WGBB 1240AM in Long Island.

Featured Show - Shelly Lewis

Sept 9, 2008 Show - Shelly Lewis, a radio and TV producer and author of Five Lessons I Didn’t Learn from Breast Cancer. Get a close look at breast cancer from a journalist’s personal irreverent

Sept 2, 2008 Show - Martha Randolph Carr is a nationally syndicated columnist, author of A Place to Call Home, and speaker on the topics of race & politics, change, spiritual growth. Let’s learn how to communicate better.

Click archives for directory of past shows.

Health Tips of the Week

  • Severe and frequent headaches, especially in people who don’t typically have headaches, warrant a visit to the doctor. They could signal blood vessel inflammation.
  • A new study is exploring how periodontitis, an inflammatory disease of the tissues surrounding teeth, is linked to type 2 diabetes and obesity. Keep your gums healthy.
  • Mice given quercetin, a naturally occurring substance found in fruits and vegetables, including red onions, grapes, blueberries, tea, broccoli and red wine were less likely to contract the flu, according to a new study.
  • Grapefruit, orange, and apple juices block drugs commonly used to treat infections, allergy, transplant rejection, cancer, and high blood pressure.
  • While on the subject of flu, flu shots don’t seem to work! A study in the medical journal, Lancet, calls into question the statistics regarding the effectiveness of the flu vaccine in the population for 70 and older for which ¾ of the cases occur.
  • People who buy Aryuvedic products might be getting toxic metals in their dietary supplements.
  • Doctors commonly thought that a few months of rehab and stroke victims made all the progress they would ever make. However, even years later significant progress can be made for stroke patients, especially those who are given a form of physical therapy using the treadmill.
  • A B-vitamin-deficient diet caused cognitive impairment and cerebral vascular changes without evidence of neuro-degeneration in mice. These findings provide new insight into the mechanisms that may underlie human age-related cognitive decline.
  • Middle school children who have a television or computer in their room sleep less during the school year, watch more TV, play more computer games and surf the net more than their peers who don't.
  • A growing body of research suggests that there is a potent way to fight symptoms of depression that doesn’t involve getting a prescription: Hope. Hope is linked to fewer symptoms of depression. And best of all, you can learn to feel hopeful.

Article of the Week
How to Cure Stress Addiction

Do you do it all - Work, run the house, raise the children, take care of the finances, volunteer at the PTA and attend a book club? An important trend is taking place and it doesn’t bode well for women. Since the 1970’s men are taking it easier, spending more time with the family and as a result are feeling happier, while women who used to be happier than men, have taken on more responsibilities and as a result feel highly stressed and less happy.

Women today rush from activity to activity with no time for rest or relaxation. They juggle an enormous amount of responsibility - but where is all of this pressure coming from? The presence of stress in our lives has become so familiar that we’re actually uncomfortable if we don’t have it. The need many women feel to constantly be doing something comes from within. It’s an addiction and a dangerous one. Chronic stress is an inflammatory process for both mind and body. Inflammation begins most disease processes and exacerbates them.

We have become stress-junkies. We need the adrenalin rush of accomplishment to feel good about ourselves, “Look what I can do. “ However, like any addiction the root cause is a lack of control, a loss of personal power and a fundamental unhappiness which avoids a confrontation with the self. And as you know, an addiction requires a bigger fix each time to keep that adrenalin rush going. The cycle is surge and crash. more

Debbie Mandel, MA is the author of Addicted To Stress: A Woman's 7 Step Program to Reclaim Joy and Spontaneity in Life , Turn On Your Inner Light: Fitness for Body, Mind and Soul, and Changing Habits: The Caregivers' Total Workout a stress-reduction specialist, motivational speaker, a personal trainer and mind/body lecturer. She is the host of the weekly Turn On Your Inner Light Show on WGBB 1240 AM in Long Island and has been featured on radio/ TV and print media.

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