Debbie Mandel's
Turn On Your Inner Light
Weekly Wellness Newsletter
November 6, 2006

The Turn On Your Inner Light Course at NYU

I will be teaching a six-session intensive course in stress-management at New York University beginning this February 2007. Take charge of your mind and body.

For a class description and to register

Affirmation of the Week
You can rely on the rabbit’s foot
if you wish,
but realize that
it didn’t work for the rabbit.

Weekly Wellness Radio Show

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The Turn On your Inner Light Radio Show airs Tuesday evenings 7:00 to 7:30pm, on WGBB 1240AM in Long Island.
Guest of the Week - David Gamow

Nov 07, 2006 Show - David Gamow, founder of Clarity Seminars and author of Freedom from Stress.

Last week's guest:
Oct 31, 2006 Show - Dr. Al Siebert, the Director of the Resiliency Center and author of The Resiliency Advantage. Learn how to navigate the tough times.

Click archives for directory of past shows.

Health Tips of the Week

  • Latest research shows that there is a link between the brain and the bones. In tests with lab rats stress-induced depression weakens bones.
  • A new study claims that exercise can help prevent age-related macular degeneration. Exercising 3 times a week reduces your risk of contracting macular degeneration by 70%.
  • Too much bread and pasta have been implicated in kidney cancer according to Italian researchers. It’s a good idea to reduce consumption of refined cereals because they increase the quantity of sugar in the blood and the production of insulin.
  • Massage therapy helps reduce agitation in dementia patients. The power of touch has been lost in institutions. Touch helps to calm down patients without drugs and another boon, restores the appetite.
  • According to the Harvard Women’s Health Watch stress and skin problems are related. If you have ever blushed when embarrassed, you know this is true. Skin problems like eczema, psoriasis, warts, acne, rosacea, hair loss and herpes are aggravated by emotional factors and by addressing the source of your stress, you can take care of your skin.
  • Drinking red wine may help defend against a fatty diet and help obese people live a longer, healthier life. Apparently, the resveratrol in red wine is the potent anti-oxidant that allows you to have your cake and eat it too.

Article of the Week
Untraditional Holiday Traditions

Because our relationships serve as a barometer of personal happiness, they are always evolving, expanding or ending. What used to be known as the traditional family is now holding hands with a new cast of characters who are referred to by steps and ex-s, step-grandparents, step-children, ex-wives and husbands, and so on. Because of all the different personalities and cultures, the old family holiday traditions simply won’t be inclusive. One size does not fit all!

This gives us a wonderful excuse to let go of the old and tired to invent our own new and blended version. For example, some of the traditional recipes might be unhealthy by today’s standards, difficult to prepare and don’t even taste good! It’s time to free ourselves from a past that no longer applies to embrace the present. Let’s start by creating our own new rituals, step by step. It is truly amazing how these small actions will work on our mindsets to free us up from other restrictions in our lives. We enjoy expressing ourselves naturally. Accepting, integrating and participating in joint rituals creates balance and strengthens the family.

I’m not a domestic diva, but here are some suggestions for starting your own special holiday traditions: more

Frank Mikulka's Fitness Tip Of The Week
Can Muscles Turn into Fat and What is a Glycemic Index?

This question might sound stupid, but is it true that muscles turn to fat when you don’t work them? Also, what is the glycemic index you hear so much about? (Andrea, Queens) Answer

Send your fitness question to:

The Perfect Gift
For Caregivers who are stressed and need advice on

Debbie Mandel, MA is the author of Turn On Your Inner Light: Fitness for Body, Mind and Soul, and Changing Habits: The Caregivers' Total Workout a stress-reduction specialist, motivational speaker, a personal trainer and mind/body lecturer. She is the host of the weekly Turn On Your Inner Light Show on WGBB 1240 AM in Long Island and has been featured on radio/ TV and print media.

To learn more: