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Is Fall Sapping Your Energy? Some Energy Generating Tips to Fall Back On

By Debbie Mandel

The winds of seasonal change are blowing. The air is crisper in the East and the sun is brighter and stronger unencumbered by humidity and clouds. I expect to interact with sunny and eager dispositions! Instead, around me I see tired eyes, frowns and sluggish gaits. Energy, positive energy, is at an all-time low. I wonder why?

Fall compels us to take stock of our homes, gardens and workplace. We note what is depleted or dingy and what is thriving and vibrant inside and out. The leaves are changing and beginning to shed their attachment to the steadfast trees. However, change can be stressful because for awhile we must live in ambiguity. We all wish we had a crystal ball to see the future, the end result. We all try hard to close our eyes and envision the unknown or write down our goals to make the future more tangible and real. Yet why not enjoy the moment, the vibrant new colors and fragrances - delight in the seasonal foods and drinks? Instead of needing to know what life brings, why not immerse ourselves in what life has to offer by savoring the environment and re-establishing our connection to it. Instead of rigorously following the tracks we have carefully mapped out for ourselves, we should not lose track of living in the moment and possibly taking a detour to a spontaneous trail.

Here are some suggestions to generate good vibrations:

  • Get into rhythm with the season of your life. Analyze the signals your body is sending you to sort out your emotions. Interpret the vibes others send you. Positive energy invigorates. Negative energy depletes and makes you feel sick.
  • Clean out your emotional house. Get rid of anger and negativity. Start introspecting, journaling and connecting with friends who can help you let go and boost your positive perception.
  • Fall back on the things that bring you joy. Laughter, massage, well-prepared healthy food, music, art, good friends- people and pets.
  • Become a work in progress. Let go of what no longer serves you and learn from your mistakes. Develop your best qualities and show them to the world. Don’t fall down, fall up!
  • Show your true colors. Express who you are courageously. The more you open your heart and share your spirit, the lighter and happier you will feel. Practice will enhance your self-expression.
  • Replenish your good energy with creativity. Creative energy centers you and will guide you to your heart’s fulfillment. Yield to your creative inclinations and flow with them. Be receptive to inspiration and follow the clues to a personal creative outlet.
  • Find physical exercises to correspond to your mindset to energize you physically and mentally. If you have to develop a difficult project at work, walk uphill to mirror your climb to the top. If you cannot let go a sad situation, then play catch with a friend using a medicine ball. Imagine that you throw off negativity and catch the abundance life has to offer.

Debbie Mandel, MA is the author of Turn On Your Inner Light: Fitness for Body, Mind and Soul, a stress-reduction specialist, motivational speaker, a personal trainer and mind/body lecturer. She is the host of the weekly Turn On Your Inner Light Show on WGBB 1240AM in New York City , produces a weekly wellness newsletter, and has been featured on radio/ TV and print media. To learn more visit: