Frank Mikulka's Weekly Fitness Tip
Effective Deltoid (Shoulder) Exercises (July 12, 2005)

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My weak link to my upper body is my shoulders, lacking that muscular look. Can you help me with some deltoid exercises? (Jimmy, Seaford)Answer

To add some thickness and depth to your shoulders let’s get back to basics by incorporating the following into your routine:


  • Barbell military press
  • Seated or standing dumbbell press
  • Side, front and rear lateral raises with dumbbells
  • Pressing movements are controlled overhead motions, keeping elbows under the weight, proper alignment, exhaling on the up phase.
  • Lateral raises are also slow and controlled dumbbell movements, exhaling on the up phase
Shoulders are a very delicate joint. Movements must be performed slowly and controlled, paying attention to proper form and alignment.

Listen to Frank Mikulka’s Weekly Fitness Tips every week on Debbie Mandel’s Turn On Your Inner Light Show every Tuesday evening from 7:00 to 7:30 pm on WGBB 1240AM. Also available on